Turning Geothermal Potential into Reality

Geothermal Solutions to Accelerate Net Zero
ZeGen Energy combines decades of energy industry experience and expertise to unlock scalable geothermal energy projects as part of the renewable energy future.
Beyond the Status Quo
In a world that is looking for clean, reliable, and renewable energy solutions, ZeGen Energy has developed a model to effectively identify potential heat and power production by unlocking new geothermal projects in unconventional settings. From optimising idle or producing oil and gas to tapping into natural heat deep underground to support stranded energy communities, ZeGen Energy provides solutions to make geothermal a sustainable source of heat and power in non-traditional markets.
Tapping into the Heat Below our Feet
Discover - Evaluate - Develop
The ZeGen Model builds a complete picture of a project’s unique geothermal fingerprint. By matching consumers and investors with geothermal resources and cutting-edge technologies, matching resources with demand, and providing the right geothermal solutions, the ZeGen model focuses on commerciality and social responsibility while accelerating the transition to Net Zero.
The result - ZeGen Energy is finding and assessing opportunities to decarbonise energy across multiple industries creating long-term economical energy security and the creation of sustainable jobs through meaningful skills transfer.
It’s All About the Baseload
99.9% of our planet exists at a temperature of > 100degC. Geothermal describes the natural heat energy found below the earth’s surface.
In contrast to wind and solar, geothermal energy is the only naturally occurring renewable energy source providing a steady and reliable baseload source of heat and power, regardless of weather and seasonality.
Often misunderstood and considered an energy supply confined to high-temperature volcanic regions of the earth - the truth is geothermal opportunities are everywhere BUT successful projects require a unique mix of resources, commerciality, and technical capability.
The ZeGen Model reduces the initial cost and risk of low enthalpy geothermal energy production by leveraging the vast and already understood geological data and existing asset infrastructure.
ZeGen Energy is pulling together a portfolio of geothermal power and heat projects with commercial potential both on and offshore to support a wide range of industries towards the energy transition.